all postcodes in SS13 / BASILDON

find any address or company within the SS13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS13 2DR 0 51.567279 0.523211
SS13 2DS 0 51.567216 0.52367
SS13 2DT 1 51.566093 0.525267
SS13 2DU 2 51.565334 0.526682
SS13 2DW 0 51.566494 0.515808
SS13 2DY 0 51.566858 0.516449
SS13 2DZ 0 51.567293 0.517151
SS13 2EA 0 51.570207 0.515651
SS13 2EB 0 51.570228 0.516577
SS13 2EE 1 51.570678 0.515303
SS13 2EF 3 51.571243 0.512867
SS13 2EG 0 51.570736 0.51636
SS13 2EH 0 51.569042 0.511879
SS13 2EJ 0 51.569815 0.512341
SS13 2EL 0 51.568712 0.512365
SS13 2EN 0 51.571296 0.510359
SS13 2EQ 0 51.570103 0.513598
SS13 2ER 0 51.570192 0.510254
SS13 2ES 0 51.570189 0.51125
SS13 2ET 0 51.570457 0.512578