all postcodes in SS13 / BASILDON

find any address or company within the SS13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS13 3QT 0 51.57423 0.50352
SS13 3QU 0 51.574103 0.502763
SS13 3QW 0 51.574068 0.509039
SS13 3QX 5 51.572694 0.500693
SS13 3QZ 0 51.574582 0.503078
SS13 3RA 0 51.570809 0.507922
SS13 3RB 0 51.570653 0.507235
SS13 3RD 0 51.569338 0.507335
SS13 3RE 0 51.568959 0.506968
SS13 3RF 0 51.570092 0.508661
SS13 3RG 0 51.569083 0.509544
SS13 3RH 0 51.568653 0.509073
SS13 3RJ 0 51.568903 0.508755
SS13 3RL 0 51.569226 0.506665
SS13 3RN 1 51.56844 0.507272
SS13 3RP 0 51.571022 0.50929
SS13 3RQ 0 51.570257 0.508064
SS13 3RW 0 51.569326 0.50807
SS13 3WA 1 51.571106 0.460069
SS13 3AR 2 51.565133 0.50478