all postcodes in SS13 / BASILDON

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Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS13 1HD 0 51.576211 0.511409
SS13 1HE 0 51.577625 0.512165
SS13 1HF 0 51.577657 0.513596
SS13 1HG 0 51.577665 0.515776
SS13 1HH 0 51.577352 0.51316
SS13 1HJ 0 51.576612 0.513293
SS13 1HL 0 51.576731 0.514007
SS13 1HN 0 51.577019 0.514427
SS13 1HP 0 51.57685 0.515153
SS13 1HQ 0 51.57691 0.512775
SS13 1HR 0 51.576749 0.516533
SS13 1HS 0 51.57668 0.515548
SS13 1HT 0 51.577383 0.515486
SS13 1HU 0 51.577261 0.516143
SS13 1HW 0 51.576308 0.514431
SS13 1HX 0 51.577191 0.51689
SS13 1HY 0 51.576042 0.512597
SS13 1HZ 0 51.576015 0.51427
SS13 1JA 0 51.576085 0.516021
SS13 1JB 0 51.577563 0.517156