all postcodes in SS13 / BASILDON

find any address or company within the SS13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS13 1LQ 2 51.584719 0.517045
SS13 1LS 11 51.586922 0.515205
SS13 1LT 10 51.587577 0.514432
SS13 1ND 4 51.588116 0.520742
SS13 1NE 0 51.575941 0.507656
SS13 1NG 0 51.576486 0.505304
SS13 1NH 0 51.575543 0.502698
SS13 1NJ 0 51.576595 0.503564
SS13 1NL 1 51.576475 0.50158
SS13 1NP 0 51.580047 0.509946
SS13 1NQ 1 51.575267 0.505107
SS13 1NR 0 51.57998 0.510953
SS13 1NS 0 51.579321 0.510671
SS13 1NT 0 51.581792 0.509912
SS13 1NU 0 51.581353 0.510682
SS13 1NW 0 51.579576 0.506283
SS13 1NX 0 51.581084 0.511042
SS13 1NY 0 51.580703 0.511209
SS13 1PA 0 51.580343 0.499006
SS13 1PB 0 51.579988 0.501079