all postcodes in SS14 / BASILDON

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Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS14 2BB 36 0 51.575551 0.455935
SS14 2BD 20 0 51.575225 0.456928
SS14 2BE 11 1 51.574713 0.45729
SS14 2BG 2 2 51.575112 0.458451
SS14 2BH 34 0 51.574672 0.456681
SS14 2BJ 6 0 51.574062 0.456591
SS14 2BQ 1 1 51.576351 0.485436
SS14 2BS 20 0 51.572642 0.456557
SS14 2BT 12 0 51.573437 0.456398
SS14 2BU 7 0 51.573831 0.45603
SS14 2BW 1 1 51.576351 0.485436
SS14 2BX 8 0 51.573835 0.457127
SS14 2BY 6 0 51.574375 0.457127
SS14 2BZ 13 0 51.574193 0.458532
SS14 2DA 33 0 51.574468 0.460841
SS14 2DB 29 0 51.574716 0.461461
SS14 2DD 1 1 51.574838 0.459938
SS14 2DE 11 0 51.574936 0.46166
SS14 2DF 19 0 51.575179 0.460793
SS14 2DG 4 2 51.574806 0.459315