all postcodes in SS14 / BASILDON

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Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS14 3BS 11 10 51.583523 0.457029
SS14 3BU 1 1 51.58352 0.458025
SS14 3BY 5 5 51.585585 0.456043
SS14 3BX 8 6 51.583119 0.458018
SS14 3DA 2 1 51.584119 0.45494
SS14 3DB 23 17 51.586181 0.496006
SS14 3DF 16 10 51.58639 0.49479
SS14 3DG 1 1 51.583843 0.461074
SS14 3DN 3 1 51.588692 0.458867
SS14 3DP 4 4 51.588697 0.490153
SS14 3DQ 1 1 51.584439 0.454971
SS14 3DR 19 17 51.589887 0.486623
SS14 3NW 5 5 51.588362 0.494523
SS14 3DS 17 14 51.588294 0.490492
SS14 3DU 3 1 51.586224 0.490306
SS14 3DW 9 5 51.587305 0.486828
SS14 3DX 6 4 51.586137 0.488915
SS14 3DY 14 12 51.588375 0.486266
SS14 3DZ 6 2 51.587564 0.488907
SS14 3EE 8 8 51.586828 0.488823