all postcodes in SS14 / BASILDON

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Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS14 1QZ 0 51.571916 0.481226
SS14 1RA 0 51.572625 0.474914
SS14 1RB 0 51.57217 0.47945
SS14 1RD 0 51.572255 0.475428
SS14 1RE 0 51.572579 0.476672
SS14 1RF 0 51.57307 0.478546
SS14 1RG 0 51.573557 0.477635
SS14 1RH 0 51.57348 0.481268
SS14 1RJ 0 51.572707 0.482106
SS14 1RL 0 51.572727 0.484127
SS14 1RN 0 51.573124 0.484495
SS14 1RP 0 51.572176 0.482106
SS14 1RQ 28 0 51.573537 0.480289
SS14 1RR 36 0 51.572588 0.480079
SS14 1RS 38 0 51.572239 0.477029
SS14 1RT 15 0 51.572507 0.4784
SS14 1RU 4 0 51.565636 0.492413
SS14 1RW 34 0 51.572106 0.483733
SS14 1RX 57 2 51.569697 0.487931
SS14 1RY 51 0 51.570323 0.487229