all postcodes in SS14 / BASILDON

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Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS14 1TB 27 0 51.566965 0.489109
SS14 1TD 32 0 51.565624 0.491273
SS14 1TE 6 0 51.566068 0.491095
SS14 1TF 10 0 51.565793 0.491758
SS14 1TG 25 0 51.566598 0.491557
SS14 1TH 10 0 51.567583 0.492606
SS14 1TJ 23 0 51.566972 0.49302
SS14 1TL 13 0 51.565871 0.493162
SS14 1TN 26 0 51.566273 0.49418
SS14 1TP 44 0 51.565532 0.495149
SS14 1TQ 20 0 51.56754 0.491666
SS14 1TR 52 0 51.564627 0.496268
SS14 1TS 9 1 51.563754 0.496726
SS14 1TT 10 0 51.564277 0.495831
SS14 1TU 22 0 51.564602 0.494925
SS14 1TW 43 0 51.565866 0.494287
SS14 1TY 3 0 51.566769 0.493254
SS14 1TZ 48 0 51.564644 0.493773
SS14 1UA 28 0 51.569009 0.492785
SS14 1UB 41 0 51.569289 0.491877