all postcodes in SS14 / BASILDON

find any address or company within the SS14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS14 1LS 0 51.570349 0.466839
SS14 1LT 0 51.571208 0.468314
SS14 1LU 0 51.569527 0.466145
SS14 1LX 0 51.569755 0.467297
SS14 1LY 0 51.569673 0.469068
SS14 1NA 0 51.569541 0.471052
SS14 1NB 0 51.569603 0.472542
SS14 1ND 0 51.570302 0.472508
SS14 1NE 0 51.570379 0.471386
SS14 1NF 0 51.570691 0.472399
SS14 1NG 0 51.571181 0.472195
SS14 1NH 0 51.569566 0.473262
SS14 1NJ 0 51.571671 0.472813
SS14 1NL 0 51.570817 0.47066
SS14 1NN 0 51.570207 0.471031
SS14 1NP 0 51.570408 0.468747
SS14 1NQ 1 51.570723 0.472978
SS14 1NR 0 51.569187 0.478451
SS14 1NW 0 51.569866 0.470146
SS14 1NX 0 51.57294 0.48512