all postcodes in SS15 / BASILDON

find any address or company within the SS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS15 5BD 30 0 51.572472 0.446633
SS15 5BG 7 0 51.572912 0.447076
SS15 5BH 14 0 51.573882 0.446738
SS15 5BJ 19 0 51.573479 0.447077
SS15 5BL 9 0 51.57291 0.447638
SS15 5BN 13 0 51.572004 0.448787
SS15 5BP 14 0 51.577767 0.430261
SS15 5BQ 11 0 51.573384 0.446437
SS15 5BS 7 0 51.577693 0.430806
SS15 5BU 33 0 51.571522 0.445197
SS15 5BW 26 0 51.570907 0.450099
SS15 5BX 29 0 51.571288 0.4439
SS15 5BY 28 0 51.571347 0.442792
SS15 5BZ 23 0 51.571825 0.443597
SS15 5DA 4 0 51.572165 0.442359
SS15 5DB 19 0 51.571822 0.44198
SS15 5DF 34 0 51.57072 0.44221
SS15 5DG 31 0 51.570996 0.44107
SS15 5DH 8 0 51.570143 0.44101
SS15 5DJ 18 0 51.570014 0.441609