all postcodes in SS15 / BASILDON

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Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS15 4DF 33 0 51.586518 0.428275
SS15 4DG 32 0 51.58701 0.444238
SS15 4DH 28 0 51.585929 0.426295
SS15 4DJ 8 0 51.58595 0.425544
SS15 4DN 16 0 51.585559 0.427472
SS15 4DP 28 0 51.58571 0.426701
SS15 4DQ 30 0 51.586806 0.44365
SS15 4DR 1 1 51.584245 0.424053
SS15 4DU 16 0 51.590382 0.448996
SS15 4DW 69 0 51.585113 0.427766
SS15 4DX 17 0 51.590399 0.44777
SS15 4DY 22 0 51.58497 0.429014
SS15 4DZ 22 0 51.58441 0.428681
SS15 4EA 5 0 51.58807 0.438694
SS15 4EB 1 0 51.583607 0.43359
SS15 4ED 14 0 51.587181 0.435557
SS15 4EE 4 0 51.584923 0.438222
SS15 4EF 1 0 51.585102 0.437409
SS15 4EG 2 0 51.585121 0.440096
SS15 4EH 24 0 51.587027 0.437786