all postcodes in SS16 / BASILDON

find any address or company within the SS16 postcode district

Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS16 5BN 0 51.566238 0.463456
SS16 5BP 0 51.566065 0.462278
SS16 5BQ 0 51.567276 0.46331
SS16 5BW 0 51.565619 0.46299
SS16 5DA 0 51.567435 0.46127
SS16 5DE 1 51.565104 0.462659
SS16 5DF 11 51.563733 0.463263
SS16 5DG 0 51.562877 0.462509
SS16 5DH 1 51.563804 0.460337
SS16 5DJ 0 51.563278 0.460093
SS16 5DL 0 51.56307 0.461452
SS16 5DN 0 51.562245 0.461768
SS16 5DP 0 51.56288 0.460648
SS16 5DQ 0 51.563465 0.462066
SS16 5DR 0 51.564375 0.46096
SS16 5DS 0 51.565337 0.460954
SS16 5DT 0 51.565314 0.459928
SS16 5DU 0 51.564617 0.461882
SS16 5DW 0 51.561971 0.460686
SS16 5DX 0 51.565928 0.461102