all postcodes in SS2 / SOUTHEND-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS2 4BD 2 2 51.551 0.729304
SS2 4BE 23 0 51.550745 0.728279
SS2 4BG 40 0 51.550792 0.727431
SS2 4BH 40 0 51.550026 0.727875
SS2 4BJ 35 0 51.550026 0.727875
SS2 4BL 19 0 51.550339 0.72951
SS2 4BN 35 1 51.552247 0.732928
SS2 4BP 15 0 51.55261 0.725837
SS2 4BQ 35 0 51.550792 0.727431
SS2 4BS 22 0 51.551823 0.723295
SS2 4BT 19 0 51.552815 0.725143
SS2 4BU 2 2 51.553503 0.729787
SS2 4BW 20 0 51.551372 0.723369
SS2 4BX 9 0 51.549056 0.722408
SS2 4BY 23 0 51.550005 0.722566
SS2 4BZ 30 0 51.550022 0.723028
SS2 4DA 30 0 51.54852 0.72379
SS2 4DB 53 0 51.546676 0.725338
SS2 4DD 53 0 51.545299 0.726165
SS2 4DE 55 0 51.548405 0.727562