all postcodes in SS2 / SOUTHEND-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS2 5NJ 0 51.553683 0.716394
SS2 5NN 0 51.561238 0.708591
SS2 5NQ 0 51.552907 0.718454
SS2 5NY 0 51.547152 0.716842
SS2 5NZ 0 51.546856 0.717978
SS2 5PA 0 51.540699 0.718621
SS2 5PB 9 51.542705 0.718206
SS2 5PE 3 51.546045 0.718059
SS2 5PF 5 51.546786 0.715954
SS2 5PJ 0 51.550245 0.71417
SS2 5PL 0 51.55117 0.71421
SS2 5PN 11 51.551529 0.715025
SS2 5PQ 9 51.548413 0.714811
SS2 5PR 0 51.555009 0.715463
SS2 5PS 1 51.556017 0.715408
SS2 5PT 1 51.555359 0.713926
SS2 5PW 0 51.552857 0.71597
SS2 5PX 4 51.55704 0.71707
SS2 5PY 8 51.544809 0.71588
SS2 5PZ 9 51.557368 0.717667