all postcodes in SS4 / ROCHFORD

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Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS4 1BU 2 51.581724 0.703472
SS4 1US 0 51.584043 0.707551
SS4 1PS 43 1 51.583042 0.705745
SS4 1PU 29 0 51.583194 0.706158
SS4 1PW 73 0 51.583709 0.705669
SS4 1PX 8 6 51.583098 0.705892
SS4 1GP 12 51.570929 0.679423
SS4 1GN 0 51.586621 0.708484
SS4 1GR 4 3 51.579788 0.708366
SS4 1FJ 0 51.584909 0.705899
SS4 1GS 0 51.58235 0.704939
SS4 1PY 0 51.585066 0.69908
SS4 1GA 14 0 51.584312 0.703308
SS4 1FL 0 51.594836 0.688772
SS4 1FA 2 1 51.595228 0.697039
SS4 1FR 11 0 51.581198 0.706141
SS4 1FQ 1 51.579265 0.708826
SS4 1FS 3 0 51.583361 0.694879
SS4 1FT 6 0 51.582712 0.692588
SS4 1FX 4 0 51.583064 0.694861