all postcodes in SS5 / HOCKLEY

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Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS5 4LP 11 0 51.594235 0.666629
SS5 4LQ 19 0 51.595739 0.681533
SS5 4LR 5 0 51.59303 0.673331
SS5 4LS 11 0 51.593624 0.672947
SS5 4LT 5 0 51.594128 0.674897
SS5 4LW 31 0 51.594497 0.667367
SS5 4NA 39 0 51.59303 0.662515
SS5 4NB 28 0 51.593415 0.660762
SS5 4ND 28 0 51.593873 0.661973
SS5 4NE 29 0 51.59434 0.66278
SS5 4NF 12 0 51.595175 0.663262
SS5 4NG 21 0 51.595478 0.661374
SS5 4NH 39 0 51.597014 0.661478
SS5 4NN 22 0 51.597003 0.663167
SS5 4NP 12 0 51.597825 0.662609
SS5 4NQ 39 0 51.595764 0.660669
SS5 4NR 13 1 51.598369 0.660835
SS5 4NS 2 1 51.598798 0.66083
SS5 4NT 25 0 51.597966 0.659828
SS5 4NU 27 0 51.59704 0.660193