all postcodes in SS5 / HOCKLEY

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Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS5 4QA 13 0 51.596947 0.65294
SS5 4QB 24 0 51.599223 0.657275
SS5 4QD 10 0 51.599346 0.658567
SS5 4QE 16 0 51.598879 0.658165
SS5 4QF 8 0 51.598776 0.657825
SS5 4QG 15 0 51.598049 0.658289
SS5 4QH 22 2 51.600664 0.65665
SS5 4QL 12 0 51.597589 0.653584
SS5 4QN 1 1 51.60088 0.654007
SS5 4QQ 10 0 51.59972 0.659035
SS5 4QR 5 0 51.599157 0.659798
SS5 4QS 35 16 51.60135 0.651911
SS5 4QU 5 3 51.600942 0.653621
SS5 4QW 1 1 51.602281 0.656472
SS5 4QY 30 7 51.600964 0.652264
SS5 4RA 30 1 51.600393 0.650065
SS5 4RB 3 0 51.601915 0.646399
SS5 4RD 6 0 51.602331 0.64947
SS5 4RE 2 0 51.602052 0.650535
SS5 4RF 20 0 51.601744 0.647212