all postcodes in SS7 / BENFLEET

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Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS7 3LP 26 0 51.57493 0.587328
SS7 3LQ 8 0 51.575076 0.5852
SS7 3LR 33 0 51.574471 0.586552
SS7 3LS 3 1 51.576587 0.588476
SS7 3LT 17 0 51.575634 0.585593
SS7 3LU 13 0 51.574128 0.586994
SS7 3LX 18 0 51.572907 0.582826
SS7 3LY 10 0 51.573351 0.582259
SS7 3NA 3 0 51.574296 0.579354
SS7 3NB 2 0 51.575319 0.575613
SS7 3ND 4 0 51.576492 0.578711
SS7 3NE 12 1 51.578189 0.577799
SS7 3NF 2 0 51.578281 0.57874
SS7 3NG 9 1 51.580874 0.571008
SS7 3NH 15 10 51.58355 0.571416
SS7 3NQ 2 1 51.582272 0.568154
SS7 3NY 1 1 51.574979 0.601375
SS7 3NZ 12 11 51.573963 0.603799
SS7 3PA 4 0 51.5686 0.576835
SS7 3PB 34 14 51.56881 0.579779