all postcodes in SS8 / CANVEY ISLAND

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Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS8 0NQ 32 0 51.518372 0.560638
SS8 0NR 5 5 51.511457 0.554931
SS8 0NS 9 0 51.5112 0.554629
SS8 0PA 3 3 51.520714 0.561417
SS8 0PB 17 8 51.521333 0.559291
SS8 0PD 14 11 51.520934 0.55957
SS8 0PE 19 9 51.519627 0.559323
SS8 0PG 11 7 51.519946 0.56035
SS8 0PL 8 3 51.520966 0.555636
SS8 0PQ 18 13 51.521102 0.556826
SS8 0PR 18 15 51.522033 0.556461
SS8 0PS 8 8 51.524661 0.551143
SS8 0PU 7 4 51.523162 0.55475
SS8 0PW 7 5 51.520349 0.558369
SS8 0PY 1 0 51.527568 0.531395
SS8 0QB 25 1 51.52188 0.560358
SS8 0QD 6 1 51.525485 0.556525
SS8 0QE 8 0 51.5259 0.558134
SS8 0QF 22 0 51.524828 0.558593
SS8 0QG 37 0 51.526459 0.558872