all postcodes in SS99 / SOUTHEND-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS99 2LL 1 1 51.55698 0.706823
SS99 2PP 1 1 51.539846 0.723185
SS99 2QQ 1 1 51.55698 0.706823
SS99 2YY 1 1 51.531166 0.729429
SS99 3LL 1 1 51.55698 0.706823
SS99 3PP 1 1 51.539846 0.723185
SS99 3YY 1 1 51.531166 0.729429
SS99 4EE 1 1 51.543523 0.71237
SS99 4LL 1 1 51.55698 0.706823
SS99 4YY 1 1 51.531166 0.729429
SS99 5BB 1 1 51.55698 0.706823
SS99 5YY 1 1 51.531166 0.729429
SS99 6BF 1 1 51.543523 0.71237
SS99 6BG 1 1 51.543523 0.71237
SS99 6BH 1 1 51.543523 0.71237
SS99 6BJ 1 1 51.543523 0.71237
SS99 6BL 1 1 51.543523 0.71237
SS99 6BQ 1 1 51.543523 0.71237
SS99 6BW 1 1 51.543523 0.71237
SS99 6DD 1 1 51.543523 0.71237