all postcodes in ST1 / STOKE-ON-TRENT

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Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST1 3EA 15 10 53.022256 -2.172936
ST1 3EB 1 1 53.019993 -2.171287
ST1 3EG 1 1 53.018771 -2.176932
ST1 3EH 1 1 53.016201 -2.170588
ST1 3EJ 2 2 53.019086 -2.170523
ST1 3EL 9 7 53.017039 -2.169339
ST1 3EN 2 0 53.018905 -2.171387
ST1 3EQ 38 0 53.018358 -2.170193
ST1 3ER 19 5 53.017545 -2.167015
ST1 3ES 11 0 53.018189 -2.169433
ST1 3ET 1 1 53.016617 -2.168458
ST1 3EU 19 13 53.017372 -2.168625
ST1 3EX 13 7 53.017957 -2.168686
ST1 3EY 11 9 53.018056 -2.168061
ST1 3HA 3 0 53.017687 -2.168432
ST1 3HB 2 2 53.017337 -2.167803
ST1 3HD 34 1 53.018219 -2.167315
ST1 3HE 3 1 53.017589 -2.167701
ST1 3HF 23 0 53.0183 -2.167017
ST1 3HG 33 0 53.018454 -2.166616