all postcodes in ST3 / STOKE-ON-TRENT

find any address or company within the ST3 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST3 1LS 12 0 52.987546 -2.124818
ST3 1LT 11 0 52.98778 -2.125444
ST3 1LW 7 0 52.991054 -2.131591
ST3 1LX 1 0 52.986064 -2.123845
ST3 1LY 1 1 52.984733 -2.124601
ST3 1LZ 1 1 52.984221 -2.123184
ST3 1NB 19 0 52.991927 -2.121866
ST3 1ND 15 0 52.992442 -2.128556
ST3 1NE 2 2 52.983199 -2.120515
ST3 1NF 17 1 52.990307 -2.131067
ST3 1NH 3 3 52.987491 -2.134217
ST3 1NJ 19 0 52.988441 -2.128545
ST3 1NL 1 1 52.987663 -2.133428
ST3 1NS 1 1 52.983316 -2.121112
ST3 1NW 7 6 52.986845 -2.133679
ST3 1NX 1 1 52.987546 -2.132459
ST3 1NY 17 8 52.98691 -2.130774
ST3 1NZ 1 1 52.987206 -2.132488
ST3 1PA 1 1 52.985815 -2.13019
ST3 1PE 2 2 52.985934 -2.127568