all postcodes in ST5 / NEWCASTLE

find any address or company within the ST5 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST5 1JY 0 53.012656 -2.216689
ST5 1JZ 1 53.012807 -2.217509
ST5 1LB 3 53.012921 -2.219059
ST5 1LD 0 53.009848 -2.227748
ST5 1LF 1 53.009712 -2.223992
ST5 1LG 8 53.010098 -2.223919
ST5 1LH 1 53.007851 -2.224041
ST5 1LJ 0 53.007654 -2.223758
ST5 1LL 4 53.007421 -2.223086
ST5 1LN 1 53.007916 -2.222954
ST5 1LP 0 53.008062 -2.221971
ST5 1LQ 6 53.008822 -2.223913
ST5 1LR 0 53.008441 -2.221228
ST5 1LS 0 53.007911 -2.220927
ST5 1LU 6 53.007114 -2.223605
ST5 1LW 2 53.0086 -2.222317
ST5 1LX 0 53.006952 -2.224007
ST5 1LY 1 53.006307 -2.222513
ST5 1LZ 6 53.005789 -2.221349
ST5 1NA 0 53.004087 -2.217837