all postcodes in ST5 / NEWCASTLE

find any address or company within the ST5 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST5 3JG 0 52.992937 -2.247235
ST5 3JH 0 52.992234 -2.243998
ST5 3JJ 0 52.993651 -2.245154
ST5 3JL 0 52.992184 -2.241868
ST5 3JN 0 52.993044 -2.243064
ST5 3JP 0 52.991332 -2.240656
ST5 3JQ 0 52.991968 -2.246395
ST5 3JR 0 52.991044 -2.240833
ST5 3JS 0 52.990756 -2.240996
ST5 3JT 0 52.990691 -2.242232
ST5 3JU 0 52.99045 -2.241217
ST5 3JW 0 52.99233 -2.240751
ST5 3JX 1 52.989959 -2.239502
ST5 3JY 0 52.989675 -2.237712
ST5 3JZ 0 52.9889 -2.23887
ST5 3LA 0 52.989285 -2.239438
ST5 3LB 0 52.989616 -2.240349
ST5 3LD 0 52.988741 -2.241744
ST5 3LE 0 52.988148 -2.2418
ST5 3LF 0 52.988312 -2.240625