all postcodes in ST5 / NEWCASTLE

find any address or company within the ST5 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST5 5EL 11 0 52.947528 -2.35215
ST5 5EN 12 1 52.956865 -2.352464
ST5 5EP 4 0 52.96043 -2.34825
ST5 5EQ 6 0 52.942334 -2.329817
ST5 5ER 2 0 52.966914 -2.337552
ST5 5ES 8 1 52.956978 -2.316129
ST5 5ET 35 0 52.967329 -2.324543
ST5 5EU 46 0 52.969401 -2.323203
ST5 5EX 16 0 52.970701 -2.323733
ST5 5EW 6 0 52.959579 -2.347499
ST5 5EY 11 0 52.968459 -2.322511
ST5 5EZ 5 0 52.968462 -2.324566
ST5 5HA 22 0 53.00619 -2.286013
ST5 5HB 15 0 52.966417 -2.302247
ST5 5HD 6 0 52.962043 -2.304494
ST5 5HE 8 0 52.967216 -2.306496
ST5 5HF 5 0 52.9622 -2.302947
ST5 5HG 4 4 52.992774 -2.2909
ST5 5HH 5 3 53.003217 -2.288556
ST5 5HJ 5 1 52.986661 -2.29138