all postcodes in ST5 / NEWCASTLE

find any address or company within the ST5 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST5 0QX 1 53.016573 -2.254153
ST5 0QY 1 53.01786 -2.222022
ST5 0RE 0 53.01999 -2.222376
ST5 0RF 0 53.020877 -2.219071
ST5 0RG 0 53.020618 -2.222856
ST5 0RH 0 53.020289 -2.220678
ST5 0RJ 0 53.020467 -2.217056
ST5 0RL 0 53.020933 -2.217893
ST5 0RP 0 53.020677 -2.220352
ST5 0RQ 0 53.022021 -2.217436
ST5 0RR 0 53.021474 -2.221742
ST5 0RS 0 53.022778 -2.221525
ST5 0RT 0 53.023839 -2.221054
ST5 0RU 0 53.024103 -2.219639
ST5 0RW 0 53.021001 -2.220085
ST5 0RX 0 53.023043 -2.218888
ST5 0RY 0 53.023077 -2.22014
ST5 0RZ 1 53.022035 -2.219703
ST5 0SA 0 53.023727 -2.218683
ST5 0SB 0 53.020835 -2.222037