all postcodes in SW13 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW13 0BH 0 51.472825 -0.241166
SW13 0BJ 0 51.472297 -0.24074
SW13 0BL 0 51.471691 -0.241152
SW13 0BN 1 51.471439 -0.241104
SW13 0BP 0 51.471876 -0.239072
SW13 0BS 0 51.472721 -0.23903
SW13 0BT 0 51.474037 -0.239881
SW13 0BU 0 51.474049 -0.239477
SW13 0BW 0 51.471756 -0.240041
SW13 0BX 0 51.472787 -0.238662
SW13 0BY 0 51.471972 -0.237648
SW13 0DA 1 51.472775 -0.237885
SW13 0DB 7 51.4743 -0.23882
SW13 0DE 1 51.474955 -0.239313
SW13 0DQ 30 51.47475 -0.240594
SW13 0DR 1 51.473609 -0.242504
SW13 0DS 0 51.473549 -0.240922
SW13 0DT 0 51.47276 -0.239887
SW13 0DU 0 51.472458 -0.240115
SW13 0DX 0 51.473039 -0.240467