all postcodes in SW15 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW15 3RY 29 0 51.440581 -0.245571
SW15 3SA 18 2 51.442124 -0.242375
SW15 3SB 3 0 51.440855 -0.239277
SW15 3SE 3 0 51.433107 -0.26361
SW15 3SH 76 0 51.451876 -0.216453
SW15 3SJ 8 0 51.452354 -0.215355
SW15 3SL 25 0 51.452687 -0.214767
SW15 3SP 30 0 51.453081 -0.212304
SW15 3SR 63 0 51.453312 -0.213274
SW15 3SS 45 0 51.453417 -0.211356
SW15 3SU 25 0 51.453004 -0.229708
SW15 3SW 1 1 51.452204 -0.213735
SW15 3SX 37 0 51.453504 -0.229531
SW15 3SY 4 0 51.450158 -0.230063
SW15 3SZ 13 0 51.449358 -0.230646
SW15 3TB 5 0 51.448458 -0.231208
SW15 3TD 3 0 51.447966 -0.2314
SW15 3TE 8 0 51.448371 -0.232017
SW15 3TG 12 0 51.44885 -0.229768
SW15 3TH 5 0 51.447671 -0.230922