all postcodes in SW15 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW15 4BE 29 0 51.447169 -0.23936
SW15 4BG 1 0 51.445805 -0.239542
SW15 4BH 41 0 51.445014 -0.238393
SW15 4BJ 18 0 51.444631 -0.239242
SW15 4BL 16 0 51.444442 -0.239782
SW15 4BN 1 0 51.444694 -0.239815
SW15 4BP 20 0 51.44428 -0.240968
SW15 4BQ 16 0 51.444978 -0.238984
SW15 4BS 26 0 51.443722 -0.239781
SW15 4BT 42 0 51.444038 -0.239279
SW15 4BU 43 0 51.444162 -0.238555
SW15 4BW 18 0 51.444674 -0.240881
SW15 4BX 42 0 51.444629 -0.237861
SW15 4BY 43 0 51.444976 -0.237041
SW15 4BZ 26 0 51.445678 -0.240065
SW15 4DD 25 0 51.451552 -0.24859
SW15 4DE 15 0 51.451781 -0.248264
SW15 4DG 13 3 51.449513 -0.240983
SW15 4DH 48 0 51.449851 -0.244294
SW15 4DJ 25 0 51.450036 -0.245266