all postcodes in SW15 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW15 5JZ 0 51.464125 -0.248713
SW15 5LA 0 51.464424 -0.248241
SW15 5LB 0 51.464395 -0.247508
SW15 5LD 1 51.463911 -0.247642
SW15 5LE 0 51.464378 -0.252447
SW15 5LF 0 51.46419 -0.25005
SW15 5LG 0 51.46384 -0.251906
SW15 5LH 2 51.46481 -0.249392
SW15 5LJ 0 51.464773 -0.25115
SW15 5LL 0 51.463474 -0.252064
SW15 5LN 0 51.46442 -0.250415
SW15 5LP 0 51.465396 -0.244144
SW15 5LQ 0 51.464154 -0.25367
SW15 5LR 1 51.462976 -0.245192
SW15 5LS 0 51.464147 -0.243602
SW15 5QT 0 51.463365 -0.242385
SW15 5LT 0 51.463092 -0.243412
SW15 5LU 0 51.461806 -0.242194
SW15 5LW 0 51.464139 -0.251448
SW15 5LX 0 51.461605 -0.24439