all postcodes in SW15 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW15 6BS 0 51.456991 -0.226378
SW15 6BT 0 51.457269 -0.225168
SW15 6BU 0 51.456874 -0.225168
SW15 6BW 1 51.460496 -0.218564
SW15 6BX 0 51.456468 -0.225112
SW15 6BY 0 51.456459 -0.224537
SW15 6BZ 0 51.457247 -0.224262
SW15 6DA 0 51.457292 -0.223684
SW15 6DB 0 51.456523 -0.223973
SW15 6DD 0 51.456541 -0.223397
SW15 6DE 0 51.457243 -0.222808
SW15 6DF 0 51.456371 -0.222266
SW15 6DG 0 51.456794 -0.222278
SW15 6DP 0 51.45742 -0.219677
SW15 6DQ 0 51.45727 -0.22226
SW15 6DR 0 51.457707 -0.220789
SW15 6DS 0 51.458014 -0.222087
SW15 6DT 1 51.457824 -0.223822
SW15 6DU 0 51.458595 -0.224171
SW15 6DX 0 51.457743 -0.225595