all postcodes in SW16 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW16 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW16 2BE 0 51.427603 -0.123565
SW16 2BH 0 51.428864 -0.12652
SW16 2BN 0 51.428255 -0.125538
SW16 2BP 1 51.42912 -0.126193
SW16 2BQ 0 51.42798 -0.123492
SW16 2BT 1 51.429338 -0.125738
SW16 2BU 0 51.428044 -0.121907
SW16 2BX 0 51.427375 -0.121676
SW16 2BY 0 51.42836 -0.121966
SW16 2BZ 0 51.427009 -0.121863
SW16 2DA 0 51.426866 -0.123552
SW16 2DB 0 51.427419 -0.124407
SW16 2DD 0 51.427043 -0.125674
SW16 2DE 1 51.426892 -0.127464
SW16 2DF 0 51.427595 -0.125292
SW16 2DG 0 51.426248 -0.127692
SW16 2DH 1 51.425655 -0.128277
SW16 2DL 0 51.424994 -0.115099
SW16 2DP 0 51.43505 -0.126986
SW16 2DQ 1 51.42559 -0.127589