all postcodes in SW19 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW19 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW19 5DL 6 51.425735 -0.217025
SW19 5DN 0 51.425879 -0.217638
SW19 5DP 1 51.425728 -0.218363
SW19 5DQ 11 51.426337 -0.217002
SW19 5DT 0 51.416938 -0.213374
SW19 5DW 7 51.425698 -0.217549
SW19 5DX 29 51.424622 -0.216598
SW19 5EA 1 51.425097 -0.217654
SW19 5EE 25 51.425463 -0.218651
SW19 5EG 18 51.425035 -0.216554
SW19 5EL 0 51.433477 -0.222925
SW19 5EN 0 51.433229 -0.223773
SW19 5ER 1 51.427437 -0.220714
SW19 5ES 0 51.428404 -0.221079
SW19 5ET 0 51.429924 -0.222875
SW19 5EU 0 51.431123 -0.222455
SW19 5EX 0 51.429873 -0.221266
SW19 5EY 0 51.428853 -0.222183
SW19 5EZ 0 51.430369 -0.219007
SW19 5GL 0 51.416938 -0.213374