all postcodes in SW19 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW19 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW19 6DQ 0 51.442316 -0.219286
SW19 6DR 0 51.444725 -0.221025
SW19 6DS 0 51.443757 -0.220065
SW19 6DT 0 51.444924 -0.219919
SW19 6DU 0 51.445285 -0.221171
SW19 6DX 0 51.445157 -0.220485
SW19 6DY 0 51.444645 -0.21993
SW19 6DZ 0 51.444874 -0.22136
SW19 6EA 0 51.444454 -0.219793
SW19 6EB 0 51.444179 -0.21943
SW19 6ED 1 51.443571 -0.219065
SW19 6EF 0 51.443456 -0.220393
SW19 6EG 0 51.443257 -0.21971
SW19 6EL 0 51.443584 -0.215769
SW19 6EN 0 51.44352 -0.216275
SW19 6EP 0 51.442953 -0.219808
SW19 6EQ 0 51.443537 -0.21862
SW19 6ER 1 51.443387 -0.216986
SW19 6ES 1 51.443101 -0.215327
SW19 6ET 0 51.444329 -0.216258