all postcodes in SW19 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW19 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW19 8DU 0 51.437442 -0.197553
SW19 8DW 1 51.436346 -0.196416
SW19 8DX 0 51.438091 -0.197653
SW19 8DY 0 51.43871 -0.197556
SW19 8DZ 10 51.439724 -0.197401
SW19 8ED 7 51.435828 -0.196116
SW19 8EE 11 51.439439 -0.196971
SW19 8EF 10 51.438028 -0.197065
SW19 8EG 2 51.435569 -0.195612
SW19 8EJ 1 51.438831 -0.196045
SW19 8EL 0 51.439263 -0.19493
SW19 8EN 0 51.439181 -0.195984
SW19 8EP 0 51.439395 -0.194148
SW19 8EQ 8 51.437506 -0.196428
SW19 8ER 0 51.43947 -0.193785
SW19 8ES 0 51.440137 -0.195615
SW19 8ET 0 51.439741 -0.196149
SW19 8EW 0 51.440008 -0.194814
SW19 8EX 1 51.437853 -0.192684
SW19 8EY 1 51.436792 -0.196236