all postcodes in SW1V / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW1V postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW1V 2JA 0 51.489553 -0.133108
SW1V 2JD 3 51.488871 -0.133194
SW1V 2QX 1 51.489479 -0.132463
SW1V 2JP 1 51.481087 -0.133947
SW1V 2JQ 0 51.489226 -0.130125
SW1V 2JR 1 51.492534 -0.138533
SW1V 2JS 8 51.492127 -0.138938
SW1V 2JT 0 51.4922 -0.138978
SW1V 2JX 1 51.492498 -0.137958
SW1V 2LB 0 51.491439 -0.136906
SW1V 2LD 0 51.491171 -0.137018
SW1V 2LE 0 51.490701 -0.136879
SW1V 2LF 0 51.491024 -0.136289
SW1V 2LL 2 51.491999 -0.138785
SW1V 2LN 0 51.49205 -0.13906
SW1V 2LP 5 51.491512 -0.139266
SW1V 2LS 0 51.491172 -0.139352
SW1V 2LT 2 51.491128 -0.138878
SW1V 2LU 0 51.490953 -0.138597
SW1V 2LX 0 51.491245 -0.138326