all postcodes in SW1X / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW1X postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW1X 8AH 1 0 51.497239 -0.151725
SW1X 8AJ 3 0 51.497003 -0.152123
SW1X 8AL 35 1 51.496812 -0.152549
SW1X 8AQ 13 0 51.497382 -0.151085
SW1X 8AR 21 0 51.496407 -0.153084
SW1X 8AS 19 0 51.49626 -0.152931
SW1X 8AT 42 0 51.49635 -0.15349
SW1X 8AU 28 0 51.496008 -0.154022
SW1X 8AX 1 0 51.481087 -0.133947
SW1X 8BA 6 0 51.498058 -0.149487
SW1X 8BD 15 0 51.498494 -0.150305
SW1X 8BJ 1 1 51.498876 -0.15114
SW1X 8BL 2 0 51.49866 -0.1516
SW1X 8BN 46 0 51.498243 -0.151497
SW1X 8BP 17 0 51.497839 -0.152118
SW1X 8BS 7 0 51.497728 -0.152469
SW1X 8BT 29 0 51.498149 -0.151818
SW1X 8BU 22 0 51.49753 -0.153053
SW1X 8BX 18 7 51.497122 -0.153401
SW1X 8BY 1 1 51.497195 -0.152894