all postcodes in SW1X / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW1X postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW1X 8PP 1 1 51.499671 -0.155373
SW1X 8PQ 1 1 51.498542 -0.155087
SW1X 8PS 7 6 51.498607 -0.155185
SW1X 8PX 1 1 51.498256 -0.155156
SW1X 8PZ 1 1 51.49817 -0.154281
SW1X 8QA 1 1 51.497884 -0.153802
SW1X 8QB 29 1 51.498224 -0.152578
SW1X 8QD 1 1 51.497985 -0.152833
SW1X 8QR 2 0 51.500286 -0.152658
SW1X 8QS 1 1 51.500046 -0.152361
SW1X 8QT 1 1 51.500067 -0.152547
SW1X 8QZ 1 0 51.500617 -0.153188
SW1X 8RH 9 0 51.501882 -0.156901
SW1X 8RL 19 0 51.501137 -0.156552
SW1X 8RN 28 8 51.500185 -0.156605
SW1X 8RR 16 0 51.499429 -0.155973
SW1X 8RS 24 0 51.500194 -0.154808
SW1X 8RX 53 1 51.500388 -0.1552
SW1X 8SA 20 0 51.501077 -0.155013
SW1X 8SB 1 1 51.497771 -0.154052