all postcodes in SW1X / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW1X postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW1X 9BT 4 4 51.494043 -0.157761
SW1X 9BW 16 3 51.494352 -0.158526
SW1X 9BX 3 3 51.493699 -0.15763
SW1X 9BZ 14 8 51.493358 -0.157644
SW1X 9DE 5 1 51.493298 -0.156696
SW1X 9DG 14 0 51.493519 -0.156442
SW1X 9DP 7 0 51.497003 -0.15669
SW1X 9DQ 12 2 51.493428 -0.157526
SW1X 9DR 6 0 51.496588 -0.156592
SW1X 9DT 10 0 51.495721 -0.156368
SW1X 9DU 13 0 51.495053 -0.156222
SW1X 9DX 17 0 51.496503 -0.156927
SW1X 9DY 10 0 51.495393 -0.156655
SW1X 9EB 3 0 51.497741 -0.157241
SW1X 9EH 6 2 51.497307 -0.157154
SW1X 9EJ 21 4 51.497272 -0.156665
SW1X 9EL 21 3 51.497627 -0.156953
SW1X 9EN 9 3 51.497506 -0.157261
SW1X 9ES 1 1 51.499365 -0.157661
SW1X 9ET 20 1 51.498208 -0.156123