all postcodes in SW1X / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW1X postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW1X 9JH 6 0 51.499193 -0.158706
SW1X 9JJ 25 0 51.499166 -0.158159
SW1X 9JL 48 0 51.5 -0.159149
SW1X 9JN 1 1 51.499548 -0.159008
SW1X 9JQ 9 0 51.498988 -0.158761
SW1X 9JR 1 1 51.500114 -0.159519
SW1X 9JS 1 1 51.500471 -0.159346
SW1X 9JT 21 0 51.500612 -0.159167
SW1X 9JU 30 0 51.50072 -0.159192
SW1X 9JW 2 2 51.500137 -0.159176
SW1X 9JX 37 0 51.501029 -0.159424
SW1X 9LA 14 0 51.501315 -0.160421
SW1X 9LE 40 9 51.500719 -0.160272
SW1X 9LF 1 1 51.500954 -0.160378
SW1X 9LJ 33 1 51.500403 -0.160213
SW1X 9LP 10 5 51.499119 -0.15976
SW1X 9LQ 26 0 51.500403 -0.160213
SW1X 9LU 11 3 51.498551 -0.159668
SW1X 9NB 4 4 51.500285 -0.160131
SW1X 9NE 14 3 51.499573 -0.160045