all postcodes in SW1Y / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW1Y postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW1Y 5ER 1 1 51.506839 -0.132733
SW1Y 5ES 11 7 51.505644 -0.136197
SW1Y 5EW 1 1 51.506608 -0.133463
SW1Y 5EY 1 1 51.505439 -0.136854
SW1Y 5EZ 1 1 51.505439 -0.136854
SW1Y 5HD 1 1 51.505506 -0.136534
SW1Y 5NQ 22 22 51.506305 -0.134167
SW1Y 5HS 1 1 51.505925 -0.135191
SW1Y 5HU 10 0 51.505147 -0.135987
SW1Y 5HX 1 1 51.505147 -0.135987
SW1Y 5HY 1 1 51.505147 -0.135987
SW1Y 5HZ 11 2 51.505525 -0.137758
SW1Y 5JG 20 11 51.506111 -0.13612
SW1Y 5JQ 2 1 51.506172 -0.135988
SW1Y 5JH 15 7 51.505834 -0.137274
SW1Y 5JN 1 1 51.506334 -0.13601
SW1Y 5LP 4 4 51.506553 -0.135079
SW1Y 5LU 33 12 51.507059 -0.133405
SW1Y 5NG 2 0 51.507679 -0.132241
SW1Y 5NP 1 1 51.507151 -0.133095