all postcodes in SW1Y / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW1Y postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW1Y 6NP 29 3 51.507558 -0.138886
SW1Y 6NY 8 8 51.507389 -0.139473
SW1Y 6PF 1 1 51.507438 -0.13928
SW1Y 6PP 19 7 51.50578 -0.137824
SW1Y 6PX 2 0 51.506645 -0.138509
SW1Y 6PY 3 1 51.506992 -0.137828
SW1Y 6QB 8 6 51.507125 -0.138284
SW1Y 6QA 18 3 51.507274 -0.138004
SW1Y 6QF 3 2 51.505895 -0.137268
SW1Y 6QG 13 0 51.506859 -0.136656
SW1Y 6QL 7 7 51.506771 -0.136944
SW1Y 6QP 1 1 51.506773 -0.136918
SW1Y 6QT 1 1 51.506557 -0.137601
SW1Y 6QU 9 3 51.506336 -0.138276
SW1Y 6QW 12 12 51.506191 -0.137183
SW1Y 6QY 16 16 51.506094 -0.137893
SW1Y 6RE 10 0 51.506356 -0.13686
SW1Y 6RJ 5 5 51.506687 -0.136155
SW1Y 6RP 1 1 51.508673 -0.13554
SW1Y 6ST 1 1 51.509158 -0.13493