all postcodes in SW1Y / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW1Y postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW1Y 4HA 23 0 51.510008 -0.132949
SW1Y 4HE 5 0 51.509959 -0.132678
SW1Y 4HG 7 3 51.508844 -0.130853
SW1Y 4HH 8 0 51.508901 -0.130603
SW1Y 4HT 1 1 51.50883 -0.131268
SW1Y 4TE 24 24 51.507903 -0.131782
SW1Y 4HX 3 2 51.508306 -0.131074
SW1Y 4JH 58 12 51.506554 -0.135054
SW1Y 4JE 1 1 51.506687 -0.136155
SW1Y 4JR 6 5 51.507189 -0.133771
SW1Y 4JZ 1 0 51.506477 -0.135835
SW1Y 4JS 19 19 51.507473 -0.134119
SW1Y 4JU 22 21 51.508096 -0.134732
SW1Y 4JY 1 0 51.506541 -0.136002
SW1Y 4LB 15 10 51.507512 -0.136596
SW1Y 4LE 1 1 51.507785 -0.136225
SW1Y 4LG 1 1 51.507339 -0.137007
SW1Y 4LH 1 1 51.507087 -0.136455
SW1Y 4LR 33 28 51.508617 -0.134231
SW1Y 4NE 1 1 51.509303 -0.134967