all postcodes in SW2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW2 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW2 2BA 8 0 51.449175 -0.117805
SW2 2BB 1 1 51.448678 -0.119406
SW2 2BE 53 0 51.451721 -0.119079
SW2 2BG 3 0 51.454172 -0.118791
SW2 2BH 100 0 51.452481 -0.117652
SW2 2BJ 59 0 51.452677 -0.118119
SW2 2BL 52 0 51.452688 -0.118809
SW2 2BN 39 0 51.452225 -0.119102
SW2 2BP 17 0 51.450199 -0.117818
SW2 2BQ 55 1 51.452615 -0.11707
SW2 2BS 2 0 51.450198 -0.118252
SW2 2BT 48 1 51.451133 -0.118815
SW2 2BU 62 0 51.450767 -0.118974
SW2 2BW 18 0 51.451653 -0.118204
SW2 2BX 17 0 51.451318 -0.117498
SW2 2DA 18 0 51.450904 -0.118004
SW2 2DE 7 0 51.448354 -0.116584
SW2 2DF 4 1 51.447969 -0.116139
SW2 2DG 0 51.448436 -0.114954
SW2 2DH 0 51.447958 -0.114902