all postcodes in SW2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW2 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW2 4EJ 1 51.446605 -0.126398
SW2 4EL 0 51.446985 -0.126472
SW2 4EN 1 51.447408 -0.1271
SW2 4EP 0 51.447264 -0.125997
SW2 4ER 0 51.446971 -0.127376
SW2 4ES 1 51.447105 -0.12786
SW2 4EU 0 51.445752 -0.129268
SW2 4EW 0 51.44719 -0.127569
SW2 4EX 0 51.445048 -0.129153
SW2 4EY 0 51.445499 -0.12925
SW2 4EZ 0 51.447503 -0.126333
SW2 4FA 0 51.447657 -0.12637
SW2 4FJ 0 51.454192 -0.122288
SW2 4HD 0 51.442961 -0.127411
SW2 4HE 0 51.443122 -0.130729
SW2 4HF 0 51.442806 -0.128971
SW2 4HG 0 51.441432 -0.131891
SW2 4HH 0 51.442878 -0.132365
SW2 4HJ 0 51.441307 -0.132529
SW2 4HL 0 51.442471 -0.132741