all postcodes in SW20 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW20 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW20 9NA 12 2 51.39712 -0.228833
SW20 9NB 30 1 51.396274 -0.226997
SW20 9NE 20 5 51.394699 -0.225161
SW20 9NF 54 0 51.393653 -0.223793
SW20 9NH 75 0 51.393166 -0.22489
SW20 9NJ 75 0 51.392367 -0.224374
SW20 9NN 8 0 51.407833 -0.213063
SW20 9NP 44 0 51.407584 -0.216207
SW20 9NQ 36 6 51.392163 -0.222787
SW20 9NR 31 0 51.406708 -0.215925
SW20 9NS 28 2 51.406255 -0.215142
SW20 9NT 46 0 51.405318 -0.219761
SW20 9NU 37 0 51.405028 -0.219585
SW20 9NX 51 0 51.405264 -0.213796
SW20 9NY 40 0 51.405823 -0.213965
SW20 9NZ 23 0 51.407181 -0.212729
SW20 9PA 38 0 51.407913 -0.213611
SW20 9PB 24 0 51.397709 -0.23091
SW20 9WD 1 0 51.416938 -0.213374
SW20 9WE 1 0 51.416938 -0.213374