all postcodes in SW3 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
SW3 5BL49051.483372-0.174048
SW3 5BP8051.485187-0.173385
SW3 5BS35551.484727-0.172683
SW3 5BT10051.484831-0.173053
SW3 5BX12051.484609-0.172616
SW3 5BY19451.484191-0.171715
SW3 5BZ6051.483985-0.171849
SW3 5DA25051.484664-0.172124
SW3 5DB4151.485417-0.172526
SW3 5DE10051.483752-0.171296
SW3 5DJ5051.483129-0.171739
SW3 5DL35051.483492-0.17194
SW3 5DN3051.483928-0.172225
SW3 5DP9051.484012-0.172424
SW3 5DQ26151.483552-0.171203
SW3 5DR4051.484266-0.172558
SW3 5DS7051.483832-0.172993
SW3 5DT32051.484573-0.173222
SW3 5DU23051.485104-0.173835
SW3 5DW7051.483789-0.172505