all postcodes in SW3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW3 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW3 2RH 0 51.493916 -0.158721
SW3 2RJ 3 51.493706 -0.159186
SW3 2RN 1 51.493225 -0.158903
SW3 2RP 2 51.493104 -0.159801
SW3 2RS 0 51.493523 -0.160144
SW3 2RW 0 51.492742 -0.159657
SW3 2RZ 1 51.492268 -0.161563
SW3 2SA 1 51.491813 -0.162331
SW3 2SB 0 51.492373 -0.161343
SW3 2SE 0 51.49223 -0.16083
SW3 2SH 0 51.49167 -0.161861
SW3 2SP 2 51.491359 -0.160923
SW3 2SQ 0 51.492021 -0.161256
SW3 2SR 1 51.491359 -0.160923
SW3 2SS 0 51.491708 -0.160808
SW3 2ST 2 51.491979 -0.160912
SW3 2SX 0 51.491837 -0.160443
SW3 2TB 2 51.491973 -0.159962
SW3 2TH 1 51.492338 -0.160293
SW3 2TJ 3 51.492705 -0.159039