all postcodes in SW4 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW4 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW4 0NA 11 0 51.466227 -0.146802
SW4 0NB 11 1 51.466538 -0.147023
SW4 0ND 6 0 51.466366 -0.147563
SW4 0NE 1 0 51.462654 -0.146587
SW4 0NF 9 3 51.466466 -0.147656
SW4 0NG 26 0 51.465673 -0.147026
SW4 0NH 67 0 51.464211 -0.146135
SW4 0NL 10 0 51.46207 -0.147215
SW4 0NP 70 1 51.464061 -0.146861
SW4 0NQ 8 0 51.465429 -0.146935
SW4 0NR 33 1 51.465985 -0.147978
SW4 0NU 19 1 51.463256 -0.147671
SW4 0NW 133 2 51.465434 -0.148403
SW4 0NX 9 0 51.462842 -0.147702
SW4 0NY 18 0 51.46265 -0.147508
SW4 0NZ 10 0 51.462335 -0.147395
SW4 0PA 4 0 51.462017 -0.147836
SW4 0PB 56 0 51.46268 -0.148256
SW4 0PE 36 0 51.464333 -0.148707
SW4 0PF 86 0 51.465534 -0.149047