all postcodes in SW4 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW4 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW4 7ST 1 51.462015 -0.13691
SW4 7SY 1 51.462056 -0.136649
SW4 7SZ 1 51.462211 -0.136211
SW4 7TB 11 51.462814 -0.134491
SW4 7TD 2 51.462504 -0.134327
SW4 7TG 5 51.463371 -0.132784
SW4 7TL 3 51.463603 -0.132166
SW4 7TP 1 51.463995 -0.131344
SW4 7TR 2 51.464247 -0.130787
SW4 7TS 10 51.464916 -0.12991
SW4 7TT 0 51.463414 -0.131022
SW4 7TU 0 51.462907 -0.130237
SW4 7TW 1 51.463799 -0.131467
SW4 7TX 0 51.463085 -0.131266
SW4 7TZ 1 51.462671 -0.136898
SW4 7UA 1 51.462723 -0.13619
SW4 7UD 4 51.462186 -0.138069
SW4 7UF 1 51.462388 -0.13773
SW4 7UG 8 51.462469 -0.137194
SW4 7UH 13 51.462949 -0.135706